Introduction to SSA

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ (SSA) is a programme for universalisation of Elementary Education covering the entire country. It was started in 2001. The programme aims to provide useful & relevant free & compulsory elementary Education for all children in the age group 6 to 14 yr under RTE Act.2009. It is an initiative to universalize and improve quality of Education The programme has time bound objectives on one hand SSA is a programme with its own targets, norms & process, on the other hand it is an umbrella programme covering other programmes like DPEP, Lok Jumbish & the operational black board etc. SSA adopts, ‘The Bottom-Up’ process of planning, where in the felt needs of the served communities and educational needs of learners are well taken care of and the plan fits into the broad frame work of the ‘SSA. SSA has emphasized the involvement of local people and stake holder s in planning in view of the fact that the desired improvement & sustenance of the improved efficiency level can not be achieved without the active involvement of the community in the schooling system.
India has made long strides in the last 50 yrs. in the field of education. A no. of programmes/schemes we are launched during the last four decades for universalization of the Elementary Education. Some of those efforts have been in the field of primary education & a few also covering upper primary sector. However, much needs to be done for the special focus groups & the upper primary sector. Quality improvement still remains a major concern, especially for the upper primary sector. elementary education sector & is flexible enough to incorporate new intervention like the specific intervention for girls e.g. NPEGEL, Kasturba Gandhi Programme. Thus we can say that SSA is an attempt toprovide quality education to all children through active participation ofcommunity in a mission mode.

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**DRG Training 2015-16**

Monday, 29 September 2014

MIS Review Meeting and UDISE DRG @ BRC Pandalam on 29.09.2014

One day Review meeting and UDISE DRG Conducted by SSA Pathanamthitta. BPO, One CRCC/Trainer and MIS Co ordinator from each brc paricipated the programme. firstly Our DPO Mr. Rajendran sir Address everybody. then review each BRC. Planning for the next year data collection and analyze previous year data.

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