Introduction to SSA

Introduction to The Union Budget, 2018-19, has proposed to treat school education holistically without segmentation from pre-nursery to Class 12. Samagra Shiksha – an overarching programme for the school education sector extending from pre-school to class 12 has been, therefore, prepared with the broader goal of improving school effectiveness measured in terms of equal opportunities for schooling and equitable learning outcomes. It subsumes the three Schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA), Rashtriya The major objectives of the Scheme are provision of quality education and enhancing learning outcomes of students; Bridging Social and Gender Gaps in School Education; Ensuring equity and inclusion at all levels of school education; Ensuring minimum standards in schooling provisions; Promoting Vocationalisation of education; Support States in implementation of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009; and Strengthening and up-gradation of SCERTs/State Institutes of Education and DIET as a nodal agencies for teacher training. The major interventions, across all levels of school education, proposed under the scheme are: (i) Universal Access including Infrastructure Development and Retention; (ii) Gender and Equity; (iii) Inclusive Education; (iv) Quality; (v) Financial support for Teacher Salary; (vi) Digital initiatives; (vii) RTE Entitlements including uniforms, textbooks etc.;(viii) Pre-school Education; (ix) Vocational Education; (x) Sports and Physical Education; (xi) Strengthening of Teacher Education and Training; (xii) Monitoring; (xiii) Programme Management;
India has made long strides in the last 50 yrs. in the field of education. A no. of programmes/schemes we are launched during the last four decades for universalization of the Elementary Education. Some of those efforts have been in the field of primary education & a few also covering upper primary sector. However, much needs to be done for the special focus groups & the upper primary sector. Quality improvement still remains a major concern, especially for the upper primary sector. elementary education sector & is flexible enough to incorporate new intervention like the specific intervention for girls e.g. NPEGEL, Kasturba Gandhi Programme. Thus we can say that SSA is an attempt toprovide quality education to all children through active participation ofcommunity in a mission mode.

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Monday, 17 July 2023

അക്കൗണ്ടന്റ് ഇന്റർവ്യൂ മാറ്റി വെച്ചു

പൊതുഅവധി - ഇന്ന് നടത്താനിരുന്ന ഇൻ്റർവ്യൂ മാറ്റി വയ്ക്കുന്നു.

മുൻ മുഖ്യമന്ത്രി ശ്രീ.ഉമ്മൻചാണ്ടിയുടെ വിയോഗത്തെ തുടർന്ന് സംസ്ഥാനത്ത് പൊതു അവധി പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നതിനാൽ ഇന്ന് (ജൂലൈ 18, ചൊവ്വ ) എസ്എസ്കെ പത്തനംതിട്ട ജില്ലാ കാര്യാലയത്തിൽ വച്ച് നടത്താനിരുന്ന അക്കൗണ്ടൻ്റിൻ്റെ വാക്ക് ഇൻ ഇൻ്റർവ്യൂ നാളത്തേക്ക് മാറ്റിവെച്ചതായി അറിയിക്കുന്നു.